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  • Our vision

    We unlock Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion, by a low tech approach on the main technical barrier, the cold water pipe.

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    Clean energy 24/7 in 100 tropical countries

    OTEC converts a difference of 20 degrees between the surface and the 1000m depth layer of the oceans into electricity using thermodynamics





    Available cold water pipes are made for oil and gas

    Recent OTEC projects failed because of the technical and economical issues about the CWP. Existing pipe technologies are adapted to the revenues for oil extraction.

    Pumping water is significantly less profitable, thus the pipe design should considerably differ.




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  • News

    27 mars 2024
    Thanks to our partnership with the Technopole de la Réunion, we had the opportunity to film a...
    Last month, we carried out our first mechanical tests on a 1/3-scale section of pipe. Our...
      We are pleased to share that our first article has been published ! Entitled 'Application of...
  • Team

    Our team combines experience with passion to solve challenges, creativity with an open mind, and a collaborative dedication. Our team works from our office in Réunion Island and is committed to support our technological development.


    DEEPRUN team is supported by an advisory commitee and a technical commitee of numerous experts in marine renewables and on some specific technical topics.

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    Lucas Vatinel

    R&D Engineer

    ENSTA Bretagne - Specialized in Hydrodynamics

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    Matthieu Hoarau


    Mechanical and Industrial Engineer

    Technology and Innovation Master Degree

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    Pr. Miloud Bessafi

    Energy Lab Director

    (University of La Réunion)

    PhD in Fluid Dynamics

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    Ludovic Moutien

    R&D Engineer

    INSA Lyon - Specialized in Structure

  • Partners




    The ENERGY-Lab is a research unit oriented in renewable energies created in 2006, within the Faculty of Sciences and Technologies of the University of La Réunion.
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    Recognised worldwide as one of the leading institutes in marine science and technology, Ifremer is committed to both sustainable development and open science.
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    ANSYS Start Up Program

    ANSYS Start Up Program

    DEEPRUN benefits from the ANSYS software Start Up Program package. This allows the start-up to have access to a quality software for the realization of its simulations and its modelling.
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    4CAD Group, distributor of Ansys software in France, allowed DEEPRUN to be eligible for the ANSYS software start-up program. 4CAD also helped us to have many technical and financial solutions to maintain the use of the software in the best conditions for the team.
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  • Services

    We are now in a position to offer our engineering services to players and companies with needs in the field of marine energy, the behaviour of offshore structures or structural analysis.